University of Foggia
Department of Humanities, Literature, Cultural Heritage and Education. The partnership approved with a resolution of the CdA dated February 25th 2013, aims to create an exchange of knowledge, teaching experiences and scientific research.

University of Foggia
University Linguistic Center
This formal agreement allows to complete learning activities in partnerships between University and Conservatory. These activities relate to the learning and development of fluency in foreign languages, or in Italian language for foreign students
SBN Unit of Foggia
The library of the Conservatory “Umberto Giordano” joins the SBN Unit of Foggia through a specific agreement signed with the Library of the Province of Foggia. The agreement aims to allow cataloging and circulation of documents and bibliographic information among the libraries partners of the SBN project locally and nationally through the Libraries of the National Library System. This institution is responsible of the Archive – Index of the Central Institute for the Unified Catalogue of the Minister of Culture

Music High School “C. Poerio” – Foggia
The law on High Schools (DPR 15 march 2010, n.89) establishes that the creation of specific music classes in high schools, at the very beginning of the process, would be done after signing a preliminary agreement between the high school and a Conservatory (art. 13, comma 8).
The agreement signed on November 7th 2011, allowed the creation of the Music and Dance High School in the “C. Poerio” High School of Foggia, accordingly to the decree of Regione Puglia n. 389 of February 28th 2012.
Vatican Institute of Sacred Music – Roma
The partnership with the Vatican Institute of Sacred Music in Rome has been signed in 2012 in order to establish a joined academic path and therefore the creation of a double degree in Composition, Organ and Piano. Thanks to this agreement, the best student of the Conservatorio Umberto Giordano have the possibilità to perform in the concert series “I Lunedì musicali” in the Sala Accademica of the Vatican Institute of Sacred Music in Rome.