Online in open access in Italian and English:

Academic Literature on-line

It is a Google app which allows to search, have a preview, and access partially or totally the content of millions of volumes provided by editors, authors and libraries all over the world.
Web browser which, through use of key words, makes possible to search in the academic literature..
National platform allowing to access the scientific literature present in the Italian open library archives.
On-Line Digital Collections
It promotes knowledge of Italian cultural and artistic heritage through digital galleries of Italian libraries and archives. It hosts the relevant Italian Musical Web (ReMI), which collects virtual eibithions and The Archive of Italian Musical Journals with a prestigious collection of musical journals of 1800 and 1900 available on-line in its entirety.
Bibliographic collection gathered by Padre Martini and donated by Stanislao Mattei to Musical High School of Bologna, put on file by Gaetano Gaspari, Librarian of the Musical High School from 1855 to 1881. Gaspari on-line is one of the most complete and informative scientific websites in the Italian landscape. Throughout the years, it has been enriched with a number of citations to files of RISM, SBN, project CORAGO and to the digitalized copies of musical sources, documents and paintings from the Conservatory Gallery.
Created by the University of Bologna, Corago informative system, aims to be a supporting tool to scientific research on opera history and on texts of Italian poetry for music from 1600 to 1900. Corago allows to make cross references and interconnected research projects with 58.000 libretti digitalized in their entirety.
The archive, founded in 1808, is the historic memory of Ricordi Publishing House. The digital collection allows access to scores, letters, iconographic documents and to the historical Ricordi catalogue.
Database and digital Library entirely centered on the Bach family with possibility of research also in Italian language. This project is part of Leipzig Bach-Archiv scientific institution that with the Library and a Department for Events Organization, promotes studies and knowledge of J.S. Bach and his family.
It allows access to autographs, first editions, paintings and letters present in different museum and bibliographic collections of Beethoven-Haus.
In this collection with a captivating graphic, it is possible to access manuscripts, musical editions, and musical collections of the Royal family, the archive of the Royal Philharmonic Society, with autographs and thematic insights. It includes the project Early Music Online edited by British Library in partnership with Royal Holloway of London, which allows access to three hundreds Renaissance books, and among those to a number of stunning Petrucci prints. All digital documents, made from microfilm, are accessible on-line.
Monumental project by SalzburgMozarteum which allows complete and integral access to the critical edition, published by Bärenreiter of Mozart Complete Works, next to access to the libretti collection, the letters and a number of other documents belonging to the Mozart family.
Digital collection of medieval and modern manuscripts preserved in Swiss Libraries. Nowadays is possible to access 86 collections and over 2000 manuscrits.
Project financed by EU to access the digital collections of EU nations: books, movies, paintings, newspapers and manuscripts Europeana musicalso includes an immense collection of recordings and written music.
It allows access to the digital collection of French National Library.
Section of Eda Kuhn Loeb Music Library of Harvard University which includes digital collections of musical editions and libretti of the Library.
Digital Library which allows access to one of the largest existing digital archives. It includes books, web-sites, recordings and videos.
Originally conceived only for the Congress, today this is the largest Library in the world. It has an extraordinary collection of on-line resources, with links to other libraries and international resources. The Library of Congress includes the project Music Treasures Consortium which gathers institutional inventories of digitalized music from the most important American and European Libraries.
Digital Collection of Rochester University
Digital Collection of New York Philharmonic Orchestra (1842-1970) archives which includes pictures, program notes, scores and parts with markings of the conductors hosted by such prestigious orchestra.
It allows access to collections of National Polish Library.
Project of the Library of the Bavarian State, in collaboration with the the State Institute for Musicological Reserach and German Musicological Society. The portal Virtuelle Fachbibliothek Musikwissenschaft allows access to institutionalized deposits of digitalized music on-line and to a number of other on-line resources. Very relevant is the section “Digital Library” which gathers a number of complete works, in editions from nineteenth century.
Created by the Archive General Direction in the National Archive System to promote on-line the Italian musical heritage, it involves primarily compositions of Italian twentieth century artists and ethnographic music.


Large and systematic collection of resources for musicians and musicologists.
Collection of links to scientific and academic publications made available for free, following the guidelines of open access. The section ‘Music and book of music’ lists 13 journals and almost 3.000 articles in full text.