In the Conservatory Library and in the Pole of Foggia
The Library Catalogue is accessible through OPAC (Online Public Access Catalog) of the Pole of Foggia, which the Conservatory Library joined since 2009 and through OPAC SBN. New acquisitions – books, journals, scores, recordings – are catalogued on line, while all the documentary patrimony is still being catalogued and will be available on-line.
Nowadays, thanks to the electronic catalogue, more than 60.000bibliographic entries of various documents and 700 journals. inventory owned by the Libraries of the Conservatory of Foggia and of the residency of Rodi Garganico, are available for consultation.
- Paper Catalogue
The Conservatory Library has a paper catalogue organized by author in alphabetical order. Until the completion of the cataloguing of musical scores and edition, both catalogues are necessary.

Italian Libraries

It allows research in the patrimony of all libraries joining the “Servizio Bibliotecario Nazionale” (National System of Libraries).
This service is managed by Università di Bologna, and it allows to find specific bibliographic info on the journals present in the libraries joining the National System of Libraries, with the possibility to access their indexes and their digital copies.
This catalogue allows research in the paper catalogues, written until 1900, of musical manuscripts present in all Italian libraries.
World Libraries
Organized by Karlsruhe University, it allows to search both, in multiple national catalogues of most relevant countries in EU and in the entire world, as well as in the most relevant on-line bibliographic sources like Europeana project, Google Books, Internet Archive, DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals).
Created in U.S.A., it is the most comprehensive on-line catalogue in the world.