The application for the admission exams has to be presented from April 1st to May 15th every year.
The application can be presented at the Conservatory’s Student Office, or on-line.
The application should include the following documents
- Enrollment Tax: Receipt of € 6,04 on c.c.p. 1016 owned by Agenzia delle Entrate –Centro Operativo di Pescara as enrollment tax
- Payment of € 20,00 on c.c. of Banca Popolare dell’Emilia Romagna – Corso Garibaldi 72 71121 Foggia (IBAN:IT33K0538715700000001383758). The payment should be made to “ Conservatorio di Musica Umberto Giordano di Foggia”.
The Admission Exams last only 1 session and they are planned at the end of the exams of the summer section (roughly middle of July).
The requirements and the admission programs, with their differences based on the different instrumental families are indicated in the section “Teaching Programs” .
Whoever would choose to enroll on –line, must download the admissions form, complete everything on that form and upload the form and all the attachments.